Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Dylan's Matarike

WALT write an acrostic poem about Matariki
Success Criteria - I will be successful when..
I have written a sentence for each letter
The first word of each sentence starts with a letter from ‘Matariki’
I have written about the main features of Matariki
My writing makes sense
My next steps are to make more detale.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

My Reading

IALT identify and describe what the author wanted me to feel, think about or see
Success Criteria
I will know I have been successful
• Because I think the author’s purpose might be
Because identify the big idea or message/s in the story through character actions or events
Because I describe the thoughts, feelings and actions in the story and link it to author’s purpose
My next steps are to put more detail into my answers.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Dylan's Meshament Work

WALT Compose and measure length and height in different ways.
I have measured my hight and arm length in hands,meters and centimetres.
I can say what shape my arms and height make me square.
I found this easy because all I had to do was measure myself with my friend.

Friday, June 3, 2016

My Pepeha Art

WALT:Use images and Maori patterns to depict our Pepeha.
We talked about our cultcher  and talked about were we were born.
I enjoyed making it.                                           hi Phoenix